Meiko: A Micro-Frontend Implementation Project
This project is based on micro frontend implementation. First, let’s see what exactly is a micro frontend architecture.
Micro frontend architecture
The idea behind Micro Frontends is to think about a website or web app as a composition of features which are owned by independent teams. Each team has a distinct area of business or mission it cares about and specialises in. A team is cross functional and develops its features end-to-end, from database to user interface. —
Now, you’ll start to understand how micro frontend architecture works. In order to implement micro frontends, you should have a container application to hold them (like in figure 2). That’s what we initially built, a container/ entry point application named meiko.
meiko is the container application for our project. I created a simple Node.js server that serves index.html.
Here’s the pull request to meiko:
Once our container app was ready, we had to think about the micro fronends and how can we assemble them in our container app.
We decided to include each micro frontend as a package dependency to meiko.
Creating meiko-angular
meiko-angular is a simple Angular application that’s used to demonstrate our micro frontend implementation idea.
After creating it, I made some source code changes and bundled it for production (build files).
We chose AWS S3 for storing our build files.
So I made a simple server in Node.js to upload meiko-angular build files (dependencies) to AWS S3.
I added that S3 bucket to our meiko as a dependency.
Here’s the pull request to meiko-angular:
What’s next?
Micro frontend is an evolving technology that offers great benefits. I’m looking forward to work on this project further with my mentors’ guides.
I would like to sincerely thank my mentors: Rajika Imal, Afaz Deen, Lakindu, Isuru Edrisinghe and Linisha Siriwardana. They guided and pointed me next major steps of the project. They were super friendly and helpful.
I am extremely grateful to the organizing committee of Hacktitude and 99X Technology for providing me this opportunity.
I’ve gained so much experience and have explored different technologies throughout the whole project.
Thank you!